Sunday, January 31, 2010


One thing I have most certainly learned from almost seven years working in Cat-Dad's feline rescue/foster home is that miracles do happen. Miracles in the shape of transitions from totally feral cats to wonderful companions who then help us to rescue their preordained forever people.

One such story is that of my friend Charlotte, a beautiful brown and black tortoiseshell cat. Both she and her sister Darla came to us from the streets when they were only six months old. How I remember when they arrived, both were terrified of humans and other cats alike. All they had had was each other and fiercely they clung together for support.

Months passed and seemingly little progress was made, their fear being some of the strongest I'd seen. Yet all the while kindness was chipping away at their defenses. Noel was actually the first to break through, and then shortly after they accepted me as being safe. Humans however were a completely different story, and it would be many more months before that would change.

But change it eventually did as Cat-Dad patiently and consistently worked with both sisters. Trust it is said is built one brick at a time, slowly and methodically to create a beautiful structure to last a lifetime. And so it was with Charlotte. Eventually she became a regular, joining Noel and me at night to sleep in Cat-Dad's bed, then in his office as he worked. One day she just jumped into his lap to give him her purrs, and the last remnants of the wall came down. Charlotte is now one of the most loving, physical, lap-sitting cats we have seen and the complete opposite of when she arrived.

Each of us passes through the phases of our life and are strongly affected and influenced by situations in which we find ourselves. However, Cat-Dad has taught us to live in what he terms day-tight compartments,* meaning one day at a time. In this way we are encouraged to not dwell on the past, nor worry about the future. Our spirits can heal and though kindness and love we allow new relationships to form. It is with this thinking that in our home all constantly work to create miracles of transition for those who come to us in need.

With purrs to all,

Although you cannot go back and make a brand new start my friend, anybody can start from now and make a brand new end.
- John C. Maxwell

* Dale Carnegie
- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

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